Monday, October 13, 2008

Grandparents Day 2008





Today Sandra, Me and Sandra's mom, Merna went to where Joelle and Natalie go to school. It was grandparents day and we had a great time. There was a petting zoo with several animals, pumpkins, hay and straw even in the room where we had lunch. There were little chickens on the table, the napkins were big red handkechiefs and we drank out of Ball, glass, pint size canning jars. And the main food item was - wait for this - - HAY STACKS!! The kids entertained us by singing "Old McDonald had a Farm," and held up masks for different animals and even grandparents. Good Times!! Enjoy the pictures.
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1 comment:

The SSP said...

Looks like y'all had lots of fun on the farm! Cool! Thanks for the pics.