Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday Party for Natalie





Today we celebrated Natalie's birthday. She and her cousin, Colby (who lives in Minnesota) turned 6!! We started out with Grandma and Grandpa helping to take some of the invited guests from school to Natalie's house. Then when everyone arrived, there were games like "Draw a face on the pumpkin" and "Red Light Green Light," "Duck, Duck Goose" and many more. You can see some of the action pictures and Joelle's pumpkin art. When the pinata was cracked open, the top made a good hat for pictures. There were many presents and Natalie said she "got many things she liked and many things she wanted!" Then, before all of the friends' parents came to take them all home we had sloppy joes, veggies, cake and ice cream and sang "Happy Birthday To You. It was a very nice party.
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1 comment:

Shelly said...

How fun! I like Joelle's art! She did a good job!