Friday, August 8, 2008

Chuck E Cheese's




Yesterday, Doreen and Steve went downtown to celebrate their anniversary by seeing sights and biking along the river. They stayed downtown and came back today. Joelle and Natalie stayed with friends until today at noon. Sandra and I picked up the girls and we met Doreen and Steve at Chuck E Cheese's (In the top picture from left to right are Steve, Natalie, Joelle and Doreen). The girls had been looking forward to playing at the game place and eating in the restaurant. They earned 807 tickets along with the help of Steve and Grandpa. Then we all went to the Marble Slab Creamery for Ice Cream. We made a tongue twister out of the name. Try saying Marble Slab Creamery real fast. Joelle tried it real fast and came up with Marble Cream Slabery! That made me laugh out loud!
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1 comment:

Shelly said...

I can totally hear your spontaneous laugh out loud laugh. I would've been laughing too!