Thursday, April 3, 2008

Aint She Sweet

We had a little visitor today. Natalie has been a little under the weather so she has had to stay home from school. Today Mommy and Daddy were both busy, so G-ma and G-pa got to have company. After we had breakfast we played "school" (grandpa was the teacher) and then it was nap time (at school) so Grandma and Natalie both had a nice nap while G-pa studied for his exam!
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The SSP said...

Again - THANKS for watchin' her!!!

Anonymous said...

it was really nice that Natalie had G-ma and G-pa when she wasnt feeling good. Sounds like she really had it bad for awhile. She is precious. L & J

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank-you sooo much for watching Natalie for us. It would have been the first time all school year that we would have been in a bind for child care - so y'all were a huge blessing!


Shelly said...

Aren't G-pas and G-mas great?!? I know we've been spoiled here having them so close!